Sunday 31 March 2024

{How to} Enable Chatbot on Power Pages

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to show how to enable chatbot on Power Pages.

Let's get's started.

Once you provision your Power Pages Website, click on the SET UP on the left hand side of the screen.

Integrations: Chatbot (Preview)  enable the Create and test chatbot and Publish chatbot on site ON, THEN Click on Sync.

Your chatbot is ready to be used on your website.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Saturday 30 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Increase control when attaching to data in Dataverse customer insights data

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on the customer insights data to increase control when attaching to data in Dataverse customer insights data.

Let's explore how you can enhance control and flexibility when attaching data from Microsoft Dataverse to Customer Insights - Data.

These improvements empower you to manage your data more effectively.

1. Improved Dataverse Connector:

The Dataverse connector has undergone significant enhancements.

Performance improvements now allow you to smoothly import large Dataverse tables into Customer Insights - Data, eliminating previous scale and performance limitations.

You can have full control over the tables you want to use in Customer Insights, without any  read-only mandatory selections.

Select only the specific columns you need for processing and output in Customer Insights - Data.

Apply custom filters  to exclude inactive records or include only those added or modified within a specific time frame (e.g., the past year).

These updates streamline your data management process, making it more efficient and precise.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)


Friday 29 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Use Automation to manage segments and measures

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on Customer Insights use automation to manage segments and measures.

Let's get's started.

Let's delve into how to automation can enhance your management of segments and measures. Whether you're dealing with customer insights, marketing campaigns or data driven strategies automation plays a pivotal role. Here are some insights:

1. Automation Segmentation:

Instead of manually creating, updating and managing multiple segments, you can leverage marketing automation software. This Powerful tool allows you to automate these tasks based on predefined rules and criteria.

For instance you can create segments based on various factors such as demographics behavior lead score purchase history, or any other data points collected from your contacts.

2. Benefits of Automation:

Efficiency: Automation streamlines the process, saving time and effort.

Precision: Predefined rules ensure consistent and accurate segment creation.

Scalability: As your customer insights usage grows and measures, you achieve faster system refresh times and quicker insights.

Performance: By managing active segments and measures you achieve faster system refresh times and quicker insights.

Remember, automation isn't just about convenience, it's strategic advantage that empower you to make data -driven decisions effectively.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)


Thursday 28 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Personalize experiences without code using Optimizely customer insights data

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on preview feature on Customer Insights Data -Personalize experiences without code using Optimizely.

Let's get's started.

Let's elevate customer experiences using Optimizely and Customer Insights Data without writing any code.

1. Real-Time Personalization with Optimizely:

Business Value: Deliver tailored experiences to your users based on their behavior, preferences and context.

How it works:

Adaptive Audiences: Dynamically target visitors in real time based on their interests. No need to write code - Simply set up keywords, and Optimizely will find your audience.

Adaptive Recommendations: Tailor experiences across your site using pre-built algorithms. Test different locations and logic to optimize engagement and business outcomes.

2. Integration  with Customer Insights Data:

Data Harmonization: Combine data from various channels into a harmonized format, Resolve customer identities and gain actionable insights.

Persistent Profiles: Adapt to customer behavior in real time. Create flexible, personalized and data-driven marketing experience.

Predictive Analytics: Scale highly personalized multichannel campaigns without attribution headaches or guesswork.

3. Experimentation and Personalization:

World-Class Experimentation: Access Optimizely's powerful experimentation capabilities. Apply them to tagrget campaigns and experimentation programs for optimal impact and learnings.

Test and  Learn: Every personalization campaign is also an experiment. Use experimentation principles to refine your personalized experiences.

4. Maximize 1:1 Recommendations:

Individualized Content: Users expect relevant content, Adaptive Recommendations allow you to tailor experiences across your site for every user using pre-built algorithms.

Remember, with Optimizely and Customer Insights data, you can create winning experiences without diving into code.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Wednesday 27 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Elevate customer experiences in real time

Hellp Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on Customer Insights on elevating custoner experiences in real time.

Let's elevate customer experiences in real time within the context of Dynamics 365 Customer Insights:

Normally customer engages with your website, navigate through the pages, added a product or servicemto the cart and checking the quote, signing for upcoming event or webnair etc...

So with the Customer Insights, we can ensure customer profiles and associated insights are updated in the real time based on these signals, allowing we to provide the most targeted and personalized experience as they engage with your website or App.

It will empowers you to foster loyality, increase engagement, enhance satisfaction and drive greater conversation rates.

New feature details

Customer Insights helps:

1. Real time web tracking 

2. Real-time unknown profiles

3.Real-time unknown-to-known

4. Real-time web personalization

That's it for today.

I hope this help.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Tuesday 26 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Accelerate time to insights with data in Delta Lake format

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on customer insights accelerate time to insights with data in Delta Lake format.

Let's get's started.

Let delve unto how Delta Lake format can accelerate time to insights with data in various contexts:

1. Dynamics 365 Customer Insights:

Business Value: Your customer data is constantly evolving, with signals like online activities and mobile interactions changing rapidly. Traditional data warehouses can lead to increased time to insights as the volume of unprocessed signals grows.

Solution: With native support for Delta Lake storage format in Customer Insights, you can:

Accelerate ingestion, unification, and insights processing using incremental updates from the Delta Lake.

Get customer profiles and associated insights updated more frequently, allowing you to react to customer engagements based on the most current information available.

Create relevant and personalized experiences for your customers and timely insights for business users.

Automatically benefit from incremental processing for unification, segments measures, activities and predictions.

Note: In this initial release, incremental unification requires that all source tables involved in the unification process use the Delta format.

2. Microsoft Dataverse:

Solution: Use Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse to export your Microsoft Dataverse data to Azure Synapse Analytics in Delta Lake format.

This enables you to explore your data and accelerate time to insight.

In summary, Delta Lake format allows you to track changes over time, process data incrementally, and ensure consistently up-to-date customer profiles and insights. It's a powerful tool for staying agile in a dynamic data landscape.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Monday 25 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Take campaigns from concept to launch using Copilot

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on new preview feature using Copilot take campaigns from concept to launch.

Let's get's started.

Copilot in Customer Insights revolutionizes your workflow, enhancing productivity as you take campaigns from concept to launch. Here's how it works:

1. Describe your Goals: Begin by providing a creative brief or describing the outcomes you want to achieve with your campaign.

2. AI-Powered Generation: Copilot leverages the power of data and AI to automatically generate the following campaign components:

Audiences: Based on Customer Insights data and your project description.

Message: Crafted to resonate with your campaign objectives.

Images: Relevant visuals aligned with your brand.

Journeys: Designed to deliver your goals.

3. Curate and Edit: You can further refine and curate these assets. Copilot ensures that you're always in control.

4. Launch Efficiency: With Copilot, you'll save countless hours. It creates a connected solution that aligns with your defined goals. Rest assured, you can refine, approve, and complete the campaign before it reaches your customers.

Key features:

AI-First Interface: Boost Productivity and creativity.

Brand Consistency: Automatically create a brand profile from your company's website to keep consent on-brand.

Consent Suggestions: Copilot assists in creating engaging emails, adjusting tone, layout, and more.

Image Recommendations: Get AI-generated image suggestions or refine existing ones.

Journey Maps: Tailored Journeys designed to achieve your campaign objectives.

Export Details:  Easily share essential campaign your goals, and Copilot generates tailored journey maps, segments and content.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Sunday 24 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Reach customers quickly with 10x increased throughput

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on reaching customers quickly with 10x increased throughput.

Let's get's started.

In an increasingly digital and interconnected world, businesses recognize that capturing customers attention during critical moments is key to success. To achieve this, delivering timely and tailored experiences is essential. With the latest release, Dynamics 365 Customer Insights empowers you to reach customers faster than ever before:

1. Segment-Based Journeys:

You can now deliver up to 20 million personalized interactions per hour using batched journey scenarios.

This ensures that your marketing messages promptly reach your target audience, increasing the likelihood of quick responses and immediate customer engagement.

2. Trigger -Based Journeys:

React to customers behaviors in pivotal moments with up to 500,00 interactions per hour.

By connecting with customers precisely when it matters, your outreach becomes more relevant and effective.

This increased throughput is automatically enabled, allowing you to scale your customer interactions efficiently.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Saturday 23 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Collect extra customer information without creating custom attributes

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on collect extra customer information without creating custom attributes.

Let's get's started.

In Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, you can now easily gather additional information about your customers without creating new custom attributes. Here's how:

1. Custom Form Fields:

Within the form editor, you can create any kind of question directly.

Drag and drop custom fields from the toolbox onto the form canvas.

Edit the label and properties as needed.

For instance, you can ask questions like, "what is your meal preference?" or create contest-related queries to enhance customer satifaction and retention.

2. Data Storage:

The answers provided are stored only as part of the form submission.

This approach ensures that you can access the value anytime without polluting your data with unnecessary custom attributes.

By using custom fields, you can efficiently collect extra customer information without cluttering your attribute schema.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Friday 22 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Split your audience into groups to deliver unique customer experiences

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on split your audiences into groups to deliver unique customer experiences on Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.

Let's get's started.

Certainly! When you want customers to have different experiences within a single journey, you need to divide them into groups. While this is already possible using attribute branches or segments, sometimes the number of customers in each branch is more important than what those customers have in common.

Introducing the journey split tile! This powerful feature allows you to split your audience into branches, providing subsets of your audience with unique experiences. Whether it's sending out a survey, testing a new type of experience, or offering a first-come promotional deal, the journey split tile has you covered.

Here's how it works:

1. Split by Percentage:

Randomly breaks the audience into percentages associated with each branch.

Ideal for scenarios that require randomness, such as sending an experience survey to a subset of your customers.

Works best for larger populations (more than 2000 participants).

2. Split by Number:

Fills up branches from left to right based in the configured number of participants.

Perfect for scenarios that need specific participant counts, like offering a promotion to the first 1,000 customers who sign up for a newsletter.

Remember, the journey split tile supports up to 25 branches, giving you flexibility and precision in tailoring experiences for your audiences.

That's it for today.

I hope this help.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Thursday 21 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Prevent duplicate emails to contacts that share an email address

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on how to prevent duplicate emails to contacts that share an email address on Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.

Let's get's started.

Certainly! Email deduplication is a valuable feature that ensures efficient email management and maintains strong customer relationship. Here's how it works.

1. Why Email Deduplication Matters:

Higher Engagement: When multiple contacts share the same email address, enabling email deduplication ensures that your message is sent only once to each unique email address. This leads to better engagement rates.

Improved Deliverability: By avoiding duplicates emails, you enhance your email deliverability reputation.
Messages reach recipients who genuinely want to receive them, reducing the risk of being marked as spam.

Preserving Brand Reputation: Keeping customer's inboxes clutter-free and preventing unnecessary duplicate emails preserves your brand's reputation.

2. Feature Details:

Enable or Disable: You can enable or disable email deduplication for real-time segment based journeys.

Single Email per Unique Address: With this feature, each message is sent just once to each unique email address within your segments.

Review Duplicated Email Addresses: Use Journey analytics to identify and review any duplicate emails and maintain a positive customer experience.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Wednesday 20 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Improve engagement and compliance with double opt-in

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on Improving engagement and compliance with double opt-in.

Let's get's started.

Double opt-in is a powerful strategy for enhancing both engagement and compliance in your email marketing efforts.

Let's delve into the details:

1. Why Double Opt-in Matters:

Higher Engagement: When subscribers actively confirm their subscription, it indicates genuine interest. This leads to better engagement rates.

Improved Deliverability: Double opt-in ensures that your emails reach recipients who genuinely want to receive them, reducing the chances of being marked as spam.

Compliance: While not always legally required, double opt-in aligns with best practices and helpss you stay compliant with regulations like GDPR.

2. Setting Up Double Opt-In:

Existing Customer Base: If you have an existing customer base, assume they've already opted-in. Update their unsubscribed attribute to "false" and implement a Sunset Policy to remove non-engaged profiles regularly.

New Subscribers:

Sign-up Form: Include a sign-up form on relevant pages (homepage, sales, pages, checkout, etc). Collect not only email addresses but also other demographic data for personalization.

Sign-up Confirmation Page: Clearly communicate that further action is needed after form submission.

Double Opt-in Campaign and Email:

Trigger  a campaign in your system (e.g., based on form completion.

Send a confirmation email immediately, emphasizing the need to click the confirmation button.

Upon confirmation, update the unsubscribed attribute to "false".

Optinally, track confirmation status with a custom attribute.

If no confirmtion within two days, send a reminder. After two attempts consider removing non-confirmed profiles.

3. Best Practises:

Transparency: Tell subscribers what to expect.

Subject Line Clarity: Clearly state your purpose.

Incentives: Encourage confirmation.

Customization: Allow subscribers to customize preferences.

Easy Opt-Out: Always provide easy opt-out options.

Remember, double opt-in may require an extra step, but the benefits - engaged subscribers and compliance -are well worth it!.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Tuesday 19 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Get faster insights at scale with auto-management of segments measures

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on Customer Insights get faster insights at scale with auto-management of segments, measures.

Let's get's started.

As your Dynamics 365 Customer Insights footprint grows, managing segments and measures becomes increasingly important. The sheer number of segments can impact system performance leading to longer refresh times for the entire environment. But fear not! Customer Insights now offers an intelligent solution: Automatic segment management.

Here's how it works:

1. Automatic Deactivtion:

When you have  a large number of segments and measures, it's challenging to determine which ones are actively used and which are not.

The system now automatically deactivates segments or measures that haven't been used after a specified retention period.

By doing so, it reallocates compute resources to the active segments and measures, resulting in faster system refresh and quicker insights.

2. Admin Control:

As an admin, you can enable or disable this automatic management feature.

Set the retention period that suits your organization's needs.

If necessary, users can reactivate segments or measures.

This enhancement ensures that you can scale confidently, maintain optimal performance and swiftly gain valuable insights.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@uk365guy)

Monday 18 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Easily manage customer consent from contact and lead forms

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on easily manage customer consent from contact and lead forms.

Let's get's started.

The enhanced contact and lead forms in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights empower you to swiftly view and update a customer's consent. This streamlined approach helps you to effortlessly manage the types of message sent to your customers.  Here's how it works.

1. Comprehensive Consent Management:

Gain a Summary view of the consent provided by each contact or lead.

Understand whether the customer is contactable at a glance.

Modify consent for email addresses, phone numbers and custom channels directly from the contact or lead forms.

This gives you precise control over the type of messages sent to the customer on each channel.

2. Across Channels and Lines of Business:

The enhanced forms allow you to manage consent across every channel and line of business of your organization.

Quickly check if a customer has opted out of all commercial communication from your business.

Explore which topics a contact has opted in or out of receiving across channels like email, text and custom channels.

Get a complete understanding of each contact and lead's consent preferences in one easy-to-use screen.

By seamlessly managing customer consent through these forms, you can enhance precision, compliance and overall customer satisfaction.

That's it for today.

I hope this help.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Sunday 17 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Build and test Journeys before deploying to production.

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on Dynamics 365 Customer Insights build and test journeys before deploying to production.

Let's get's started.

In the ever-evloving landscape of customer experience transformation, marketers face the challenge of creating and testing experiences before deploying them to production environments.

To address this, Power Platform Solutions now offer a robust Application Lifecycle Management(ALM) framework. Here's how it works:

1. Build and Test in Preproduction:

Marketers can create and test customer journeys in preproduction or testing environments.

These environments allow fine-tuning and validation of triggers, segments and other assets.

Ensuring that everything works as expected before moving to production is crucial.

2.Seamless Deployment to Production:

Once the journey is ready, marketers can move it to production in a published state.

The ALM framwork ensures a predictable and seamless transition from development to production.

This minimizes manual intervention and reduces the risk of unintended triggers or activities.

3. Stay Up-to-Date:

Marketers can upgrade their solutions with the latest version of journeys assets.

Deploying the most recent assets in production ensures optimal customer experiences.

By confidently building and testing journeys before deploying to production using ALM with Power Platform solutions, marketers can enhance efficiency, precision, and overall customer satisfaction.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)


Saturday 16 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Scale your business with confidence with 300M maximum monthly interactions

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on Scale your business with confidence with 300M maximum monthly interactions on Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.

Let's get's started.

Certainly! Dynamics 365 Customer Insights now offers an impressive capacity for businesses, You can reach million contacts or leads and send up to 300 million messages per month in real-time journeys.

This expanded capability empowers you to deliver personalized experiences at scale, delighting customers in new ways. Whether you're expanding your customer base in new markets, reaching additional geographics, promoting new products, or aiming for higher targets these additional interactions will help you grow your business.

Here are the key features:

1. Increased Reach: You can now engage with up to 100 million marketing contacts, which is more than three times the previous limit of 300 million contacts. These marketing contacts include those you interact with through channels like emails, SMS, and push notifications.

2. Enhanced Interaction Volume: Deliver up to 300 Million interactions through various channels, including email messages, SMS, push notifications and custom channels. This is a significant increase from the previous outbound interaction limit of 100 million.

3. Segmentation: Create segments with up to 100 million marketing contacts, allowing you to target specific audiences effectively.

4. Near Real-Time Engagement: Engage with customers in near real time, with a 30 second response time for single step customer journeys.(Please note that the actual message delivery time vary based on factors like the recipients email server and the chosen message sending channel).

This enhanced capacity enables you to scale your business confidently, providing seamless experiences to your audience. 

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Friday 15 March 2024

[Customer Insights] Optimize engagement and increase conversation rates with email A/B testing

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on Optimizing engagement and increase conversation rates with email A/B testing.

Let's get's started.

Advanced bot protection in Customer Insights -  Journeys is a powerful feature that enhances the reliability of your insights and safeguards your business processes. Let's delve into the details:

1. Enhanced Data Accuracy:

Bot protection: Ensures that the data you collect is accurate and represents real human interactions.

By preventing bot clicks on your emails, it avoids inflated engagement metrics, incorrectly triggered journeys and skewed analytics.

It also protects web form visits, clicks and submissions ensuring that only legitimate form submissions are recorded and no false journeys are triggered.

Additionally bot protection ensures accurate event attendance by filtering out any false check- ins caused by bots.

2. Elevated Customer Experiecne:

Minimize disruptions caused by mailcious bots, thereby enhancing the quality of your insights.

with the confidence of reliable data, your business decisions become more informed and effective.

Remember, bot protection is critical for marketing campaigns and it empowers your businesses to thrive by maintaining the integrity of your data and operations.

Now, let's talk about email A/B testing.  This technique allows you to compare and test variations of your emails on different subsets of recipients to determine which version performs better, Here's how it works.

1. Create Alternate Versions:

In real-time journeys, you can easily create alternate email versions by changing elements such as the subject, body, or sender address directly in the Customer Insights - Journeys email editor.

Optimize your content for your specific audience by tweaking these elements.

2. Types of A/B Tests:

Define different types of A/B tests by changing the subject, from email address or email body.

For example, you can test different subject lines, wording variations or offers.

3. Test and Analyze:

Preview and test-send version  A and version B of your email.

Easily identify a winner based on performance metrics (e.g open rates click through rates) and analyze the results in journey and email insights.

By leveraging A/B testing, you can fine tune your email campaigns, optimize engagement and increase conversion rates. Remember data driven decisions lea d to better outcomes.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Thursday 14 March 2024

[Customer Insights] Enhance reliability of insights with advanced preview features of bot protection

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on improving reliavility of insights with advanced bot protection customer insights.

Let's get's started.

Advanced bot protection in Customer Insights - Journeys is a powerful feature that enhances the reliability of your insights and safeguards your business processes. Let's delve into the details:

1. Enhanced Data Accurancy:

Bot Protection ensures that the data you collect is accurate and represents real human interactions.

By preventing bot clicks on your emails, it avoids inflated engagement metrics, incorrectly triggered journeys, and skewed analytics.

It also protects web forms visits, clicks, and submissions, ensuring that only legitimate form submissions are recorded and no false journeys are triggered.

Additionally, bot protection ensures accurate event attendance by filtering out any false check-ins caused by bots.

2. Elevated Customer Experience:

Minimize disruptions caused by malicious bots, thereby enhancing the quality of your insights.

With the audience of reliable data, your business decisions become more informed and effective.

Remember, bot protection is critical for marketing campaigns and its empowers your business to thrive by maintaining the integrity of your data and operations.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

Wednesday 13 March 2024

{Customer Insights} Configure email messages to the right contact email address

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on configuring right email address of contact ensuring email message is delivered and opened.

Let's get's started.

In Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, ensuring that your messages reach the contact email address is crucial for effective communication. Let's dive into the details:

Business Value: 

Delivering messages to the correct email address enhances customer engagement and conversation rates.

You can now choose which of a contact's email addresses to target in your journeys, tailoring messages appropriately.

Login into Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Go to settings >  Audience Configuration: Set the fields.

Feature Details:

Multiple Email Recipient Fields: Administrators can add the multiple alternative email recipient fields to a contact's audience configuration.
Additionally, you can set a default email recipient field.

Personalization: Marketing professionals can select the specific email address field to use during journey creation. This allows you to target a contact's preferred email address.

Consent Management: Choose whether consent is synced between contact point consent records and the contact's consent attributes. This give you control over how consent is checked for your emails in Customer Insights - Journeys.

Remember, just like choosing the right banana for recipe, selecting the appropriate email address ensures your messages are delivered where they matter most!.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps,

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)